Dobrev, D. Ролята на югославия във военното планиране на НАТО
Ролята на югославия във военното планиране на НАТО (1950-1952 г.)
In: Obscured Balkans, vol. 1, 2024.
Asst. Prof. Dimitar Dobrev, Ph.D.
Institute of Balkan Studies and Centre of Thracology
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Received: April 23, 2024
Technical Evaluation: May 7, 2024
Editorial Review: May 21, 2024
Peer Review: June 7, 2024
Accepted: July 15, 2024
Published: November 7, 2024
Dobrev, D. 2024. ‘Ролята на югославия във военното планиране на НАТО (1950-1952 г.).’ Obscured Balkans, vol. 1, с. 153–171. DOI, ISSN 3033-1331.
In the period 1950-1952, the role of Yugoslavia in NATO’s military strategy grew. Despite its communist ideology, the country’s geographical location was quickly taken into account by the West because it provided the much-needed geographic connection between Italy and Greece, members of the Alliance, and could serve as a “barrier” against advance of the Soviet Union toward the Mediterranean. Therefore, the coordination of defense efforts between Belgrade and the Western countries and the maintenance of Yugoslav military strength becomes a necessity for the overall defense strategy for the Southern Flank.
NATO, Yugoslavia, Military strategy, Southern flank, Cold war
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