Simeonov, S. Списъкът на Рьослер: унгарската революция и създаването на консулски надзорен режим на Балканите
Списъкът на Рьослер: унгарската революция и създаването на консулски надзорен режим на Балканите
In: Obscured Balkans, vol. 1, 2024.
Assoc. Prof. Simeon Simeonov, Ph.D.
Institute of Balkan Studies and Centre of Thracology
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
American University in Bulgaria
Received: April 24, 2024
Technical Evaluation: May 10, 2024
Editorial Review: June 4, 2024
Peer Review: June 17, 2024
Accepted: July 17, 2024
Published: November, 7, 2024
Simeonov, S. 2024. ‘Списъкът на Рьослер: Унгарската революция и създаването на консулски надзорен режим на Балканите.’ Obscured Balkans, vol. 1, pp. 139–151. DOI, ISSN 3033-1331.
This article sheds light on the activities of the Austrian consular offices in the Ottoman Balkans in late 1849 – early 1850, when 1469 refugees from the Hungarian Revolution settled in Shumen. On their heels was Emanuel von Rössler, the newly appointed Austrian vice-consul in Rousse, who saw in the rebel movements an opportunity to distinguish himself before the authorities in Vienna and to give his office regional importance. His plans gravitated around three ideas: (1) bringing in refugees as informers or for deportation; (2) fomenting dissent among the refugees and undermining Lajos Kossuth’s authority; (3) compiling a list of all disreputable individuals who posed a threat to the Austrian Empire. The article examines Rössler’s efforts to surveil, control, and exploit the Hungarian revolutionary emigrants as a cornerstone of a modern consular surveillance regime in the Balkans, which laid the foundation of future imperial and inter-imperial networks of communication, commerce, and migration control.
consuls, Hungarian Revolution, Balkans, Ottoman Empire, migration, modernity
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