Karadzhov, V. Мрежата Cittaslow на Балканите. Дигитална картография на бавните градове
Мрежата Cittaslow на Балканите. Дигитална картография на бавните градове
In: Obscured Balkans, vol. 1, 2024.
Vasil Karadzhov, Ph.D., anthropologist
Institute of Balkan Studies and Centre of Thracology
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Received: May 15, 2024
Technical Evaluation: June 14, 2024
Editorial Review: June 28, 2024
Peer Review: July 11, 2024
Accepted: September 25, 2024
Published: November, 7, 2024
Karadzhov, V. 2024. ‘Мрежата Cittaslow на Балканите. Дигитална картография на бавните градове.’ Obscured Balkans, vol. 1, pp. 251–262. DOI https://doi.org/10.62761/OB2024.VK, ISSN 3033-1331.
The article examines the Cittaslow movement, which is a network of 297 slow cities in 33 countries around the world. Its history, philosophy and politics are dedicated to the tranquility of everyday life, local sense of place, preservation of urban identity, sustainable development, environmental protection and authentic products. Special attention is paid to the local national networks of slow cities on the territory of the Balkans – in Croatia, which includes two cities – Makarska and Bale and Turkey, which has a highly developed network of 25 cities, three of which are located in its European part – Gokceada, Visa and Sharkoy. Each of these 5 Balkan cities approved and included in the Cittaslow network has its own specificities and problems that it tries to overcome with specifically developed methods, projects and policies. This overview of the cities of the Balkans that became part of the Cittaslow network at different times presents local urban problems, the solution of which is sought with a strictly individual approach, but in line with the philosophy of slow cities. Their representation, with the help of digital cartography, makes it possible to trace how far this idea has developed in the Balkans, which are the countries on the territory of which these cities are located, and how they are located on the territory of the Balkan Peninsula.
Slow cities, The Balkans, Cittaslow, Web mapping
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